Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Pile Of KNIT

Here's my first pattern I ever wrote. It's quick and easy, and hopefully won't have you saying "$h!t!"
Use any weight Yarn
Any size needles, double point, two circulars, or magic loop
Cast on 6 sts and knit one row as for I-cord.
Divide sts equally among 3 dpns. Place stitch marker
and begin to knit in the round.
Base Tier
Round 1: kfb all sts (12 sts)
Round 2: k1, kfb; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 3: k2, kfb; repeat from (24 sts)
Round 4: knit
Round 5: k3, kfb; repeat from (30 sts)
Round 6: k4, kfb; repeat from (36 sts)
Round 7: k5, kfb; repeat from (42 sts)
Round 8: knit
Round 9: k6, kfb; repeat from (48 sts)
Round 10: knit
Round 11: knit
Round 12: knit
Round 13: k6, k2tog; repeat from (42 sts)
ROund 14: k5, k2tog; repeat from (36 sts)
Round 17: k4, k2tog; repeat from (30 sts)
Round 18: knit
Round 19: k3, k2tog; repeat from (24 sts)
Now is a good time to stuff the first ball if you see fit…
Round 20: k2, k2tog; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 21: knit
Round 22: k1, k2tog; repeat from (12 sts)
Second tier
Round 23:k1, kfb; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 24: k2, kfb; repeat from (24 sts)
Round 25: k3, kfb; repeat from (30 sts)
Round 26: k4, kfb; repeat from (36 sts)
Round 27: knit
Round 28: k4, k2tog; repeat from (30 sts)
Round 29: k3, k2tog; repeat from (24 sts)
good time to stuff, if necessary
Round 30: k2, k2tog; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 31: knit
Round 32: k1, k2tog; repeat from (12 sts)
third tier
Round 33: k1, k2tog; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 34: k2, kfb; repeat from (24 sts)
ROund 35: knit
Round 36: k3, kfb; repeat from (30 sts)
Round 37: knit
Round 38: k3, k2tog; repeat from (24 sts)
Round 39: knit
Round 40: k2, k2tog; repeat from (18 sts)
Round 41: Knit
Stuff ball with yarn scraps, batting, etc.
Round 37: k1, k2tog; repeat from (12 sts)
Round 38: knit
Round 39: k2tog; repeat from (6 sts)

Cut yarn leaving a 6-inch tail. Thread needle with
yarn tail, pull through remaining stitches and knot
discreetly. Run needle down the center of poo and
through to other side. Snip excess tail close to poo’s
Embroider eyes and mouth as wanted or needed. Do what you like, it's poo, not rocket science!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Green Sans Thumb!

So, for Benjamin's birthday I created some cute little mitt/fingerless gloves for him. I call them Green(SANS) Thumb. Get it?! Silly I know. This is a pair of fingerless gloves for kids, ages 2-4 I would expect. They are a skoch big on him, and he's two today.
Anyway here is the pattern. It is free for all, please feel free to use it, make them, and give them away! This pattern is not for beginners, mostly because I am not a good pattern writer. Please email me if you have any questions, suggestions, or anything. Here goes.

Yarn- Hazelknits Artisan Sock Yarn in Shady Verdant, 100 or so yards.
Needles- I used size zero 27 inch circulars, but I would recommend size 1 doublepoints. I'm a losse knitter. I don't know why you needed to know that. Shoot. Anyway.

Cast on 48 sts using long tail cast on
Join, being sure not to twist!!
Work K1, P1 ribbing for five rounds
Work K3, P1 ribbing until total piece measures 2 inches, or until it reaches the base of thumb.
Work back and forth in K3, P1 ribbing for 3/4 of an inch, slipping the first stitch of every row(creating a nice edge!)
Join on a RS row, and begin working in the Round again, doing K3, P1 ribbing for 3 or four rows(or about a quarter of an inch.
Work K1, P1 ribbing for five rows. Bind off.
oh yeah, MAKE TWO!!
(p.s. I tried these on a seven year old today, and they fit too! A little...stretchy, but still fits!! hahaha)

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Thirst For Knowledge.

I wonder and worry that my generation and even possibly the generation before me will not have great people come from it. By that I mean that the generations to come will only have the people before US to look at as great people. The great presidents of our time, the great speakers. The people we should all admire for their minds. People like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy. Great scientists like Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk. I think that in our past there was more of an emphasis on our education, and growing our minds. And yet, maybe that's not right either. I know when I was younger it's all they EVER seemed to emphasize. But maybe as a lack of discipline grew in children so did a lack of those children's THIRST for knowledge.
And that's sad.
I know that this is short but I really just wanted to say that I have an EXTREME thirst for knowledge and I do believe that it's growing in our generation. I also hope that I can raise my own child with enough discipline to pass my thirst on to him.