Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Thirst For Knowledge.

I wonder and worry that my generation and even possibly the generation before me will not have great people come from it. By that I mean that the generations to come will only have the people before US to look at as great people. The great presidents of our time, the great speakers. The people we should all admire for their minds. People like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., President John F. Kennedy. Great scientists like Albert Einstein, Jonas Salk. I think that in our past there was more of an emphasis on our education, and growing our minds. And yet, maybe that's not right either. I know when I was younger it's all they EVER seemed to emphasize. But maybe as a lack of discipline grew in children so did a lack of those children's THIRST for knowledge.
And that's sad.
I know that this is short but I really just wanted to say that I have an EXTREME thirst for knowledge and I do believe that it's growing in our generation. I also hope that I can raise my own child with enough discipline to pass my thirst on to him.

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